Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thought of the Week

This is a little something my friend Pasqua wrote a while ago. It really moved me and I thought every girl and guy out there should have the opportunity to read it. We all really need to learn to see each other through God's eyes.

EVERY GIRL - Pasqua Heard

She is not a"slut"
or any other derogatory name you think defines her.
She is not an object symbolising sex...
Neither is she a "random hookup" or "vibe".
She means something.
She is created in His image: Pure, Blameless, Beautiful.
He knit her together in her mother's womb.
She is forgiven.
He died for her.
He died for her sins. (Which include: comparing herself to others; drunkeness; envy; promiscuity...)
He knows her from the inside out. It is her heart - rather than her outside beauty - He is more concerned about. He sees through the designer clothes and immaculate make-up.
She is his daughter. And he has perfect plans for her life.
But when you entice her with deceptive charm and flattery, tempt her with alcohol, superficial acceptance, admiration and momentary satifisfactions, you rob her of noticing His plans.
But the truth remains the same, whether you or she chooses to accept it:
She is dearly loved by a Father who wishes to gather her in His arms and protect her from evil - a Father who will one day wipe away every tear from her eyes if she simply turns to Him.
I challenge you to see her as He sees her.
She is His beloved.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Braaiday - Rebecca Black Parody

So we all know how much we love to hate, Rebecca Blacks infamous song, " Friday". If you haven't heard it, please, do yourself a favour and don't Youtube it. Rather, take a look at possibly the most epic parody of all time. Classic South Africa.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Photo of the week - Angel Eyes

Everyone, meet Angel.
I took this photo at my church's annual Holiday Club at Addington Primary earlier this year. This little girl absolutely captured my heart with her big eyes and colourful hairbands. She was incredibly photogenic and somehow I think she knew it because she wouldn't stop posing for photo's. Bless her little heart.