Make sure that you laugh a lot. A mere chuckle does not suffice, you need to laugh as if you have just watched HotRod ( or any other comedic movie of your choice). I'm talking about laughter that brings tears of joy to your eyes. If you are unable to find something that creates that giggle inside of you, then I think you can get away with smiling. Smiling people are beautiful people.
Eat lots and lots of chocolate. Seriously, it is scientifically proven that the consumption of chocolate triggers the release of endorphins in your body which is known to reduce your sensitivity to pain ( because we all know how painful Monday's can be) and also make you feel more cheerful! So, on Monday's, it is okay to consume chocolate.
Surround yourself with friends. Whether you are at work all day or at university or at school, there is always going to be someone around that you regard as a friend or companion. So take 30 minutes out of that day to spend time with that person, because you will feel more relaxed, you will have someone to vent to if you have had a bad day, you will then probably be comforted or cheered up, and your mind will be taken off the fact that its a Monday. Friends are great.
Find a quiet place. So often I find that on Mondays there is always a lot happening, and I have to wake up early, and I didn't get enough sleep the night before so I'm tired and look like a mess. What makes this worse is when you are surrounded by chaos and noise. In order to feel peaceful which will actually make you feel happier, you need to find a place in your free time where you can breathe, close your eyes, and daydream a little. An escape from the chaos. Sometimes its even good to do this early in the morning before your day begins, so that you have a chance to wake up and begin the day refreshed. It probably sounds like I am some hippy whose about to tell you to hug a tree, but that's probably because I am some hippy and if hugging trees makes for a better day, well then...hug away!
When you wake up, think of the positive! Don't wake up and think things like " I'm so tired", " I hate School/Work/Varsity ", " My life sucks". Rather wake up and say " Four more days till the weekend", " In just 12 more hours I will get to go to sleep again", " What a beautiful sunny day". " What a beautiful rainy day", " What a beautiful get-up-and-be-alive day". You get the gist of it?