Monday, May 23, 2011

Dedicated to Jord-in-a-blog

It's always a sad time when a friend you have known for years has to move, across the ocean, to a distant land. I didn't get you a farewell gift Jords, so, because you are such an inspiring and eager blogger, I figured a blogpost dedicated to you would suffice.

Thank you for all the amazing times we have had together in the past nine years ( yes it has been that long), from the stage production of Sound of Music, to leading four consecutive Holiday clubs together, to my team dominating your team at those holiday clubs, to doing modelling shoots and being a fake couple, to going to matric dances together ( but not with eachother), to getting "tattoos" of frogs and dancing to The Arrows on the beach of Ballito,  to saying goodbye to you when you changed churches, and now finally to saying goodbye to you as you change continents.

You are an absolute joy to those around you, you really care for and love your friends with such an amazing realness, and you let the Lord emanate from you constantly. You are inspiring, mature, wise and kind. You can always make me laugh, you are such an encouragement in my life and over the years I have really watched you grow into someone that is such a blessing to those around him. Your wife (one day) is going to be stoked!

I know in the past few years we haven't had much time together, but that's fine because no matter the distance or time apart I will always be able to have deep chats with you and lots of laughs as if no time has passed - the joys of nine-year long friendships!

I pray that America is everything you want it to be, and I look forward to seeing you on television as a famous musician one day ;)  Just know that there are tons of people in South Africa who are praying and rooting for you and who will possibly hug you to death when you come back for visits.

I love you so much my friend and am going to miss you hugely, but I am so happy that you are living your life! May God always be your strength, your joy and your passion.

                                              The matric dance that I was too old for

                                                      Redfrogging it in ballito

                                        Leading Holiday club together ( WHAT am I wearing?? )

                                               Its always nice being a fake couple with you..


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