Friday, January 14, 2011

A walk in the park, a Cottontop Tamarin and some rain. The usual.

So I have been wondering what to blog about this week but todays adventure is definitely something worth sharing!

Now, I am one of those people who often feels like life in Durbs can get pretty boring ( especially on those non "beachy" days), but then a day like today happens and I get a renewed love for my city. *side note for all you patriotic Durban folk - please don't hurt me for saying it gets pretty boring *

So I met up with a friend from Jozi and headed to good old Mitchell Park ( for those of you who are deprived of the durban life, the hype about Mitchell Park is that it has a Zoo!), where I discovered the CottonTop Tamarin, or what I like to call the 'Grandpa Monkey' - seriously though, they are these minature monkeys that have white afro hairstlyes and look like little old men. They're even cooler than Rafiki from the Lion King... and that's saying something!

So, after deciding that I wanted a Grandpa Monkey as a pet, the next amazing discovery was the meerkat cage, where I playfully asked a meerkat if its name was Timone and it LITERALLY nodded its head. Yes, I know I may have a minor obsession with the Lion King but lets focus on the smaller picture here...the meerkat.nodded.its.head. Seriously.

Sorry it isn't the best photo, but I had to make do with the camera on my Nokia Express Music phone ( I refuse to conform to the Blackberry generation )

Now I know you're all frothing ( it's Durban slang, learn it) to see my monkey and meerkat friends but it doesn't end there.
After the zoo take a walk down the road to Vida e caffe and order a Lindt Hot Chocolate ( this did not exactly help my chocolate addiction but it was so worth it )... and if it starts to rain and the lightening shows fear, just sit on the sidewalk and embrace it ( well at least embrace it until the lightening part, then run for your lives!)

All in all I must say, a great day in Durbs without even needing to go to the beach! I mean yes, the humidity made my sweat glands think they had run a marathon, I contemplated jumping into a pond of man-eating Coy to cool off and I ended up in a claustrophobic room called the House of Darkness staring at skunks, but hey, these things happen in life. It was still a great day.

Oh and I parallel parked successfully. Definitely a highlight.

1 comment:

  1. Dani, i love your blog :) its witty and cute :) you are doing really well, better than me in any case :) keep blogging and i'll keep reading :)
